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Watch The Carrie Diaries Season 2, Episode 12 This Is the Time Online

Carrie, Mouse, Maggie, and Walt decide to go to their senior prom - at The Waldorf Astoria - together for a final hurrah. Larissa offers Carrie an opportunity that makes her rethink her plans for the next year. Mouse learns a secret about Donna LaDonna that could threaten her reign as queen bee. Meanwhile, Sebastian hides a big decision from Carrie. Larissa gives Carrie some harsh advice about her relationship with Sebastian. When Harlan asks Tom to work overnight on a top-secret case, Dorrit decides to throw an impromptu get-together, which quickly spirals out of control. Meanwhile, Mouse and Donna get surprisingly close and Sebastian makes a hasty decision after another fight with his parents. Carrie is delighted when she gets the chance to interview the CEO of Bongo Jeans - but the pressure is on when Larissa tells Carrie that this is her last chance to land a piece in Interview magazine. Mouse gets some news that drives an unexpected wedge between her and West, and Sebastian's father delivers other news that could forever change Sebastian and Carrie's relationship. Elsewhere, Walt finds a surprising father figure in Tom, and Maggie tries to muster the courage to tell her dad. Carrie is shocked when she reads a nasty rumor about her in a New York City gossip rag, but Samantha has a plan to set the record straight. Walt steps in when Bennet feels taken advantage of at Interview. Mouse, worried that she and boyfriend West are stuck in a rut, does something very risqué. Meanwhile, when Maggie experiences a medical emergency, Sebastian is forced to reach out to the one person who can help. When Carrie struggles with writer’s block, Weaver tries to help but gets in the way. Maggie and Sebastian grow closer after learning some shocking news. When Bennet moves to a dangerous neighborhood, Walt takes drastic measures to keep himself safe, with both hilarious and heartfelt results. When Sebastian learns that his mother is getting remarried, he asks for Carrie's dad to make sure she is legally protected. Carrie is furious when she discovers that Weaver has secretly read her journal. Mouse volunteers to help with the Homecoming float, but tries to distance herself when West wins Homecoming King. Samantha finds herself a place to live and another unusual job. Meanwhile, Dorrit begins to feel smothered by Miller, especially when he befriends her dad, and Donna LaDonna gives Dorrit some wise advice. Carrie pitches Larissa a profile on New York wunderkind playwright Adam Weaver, but when he proves a difficult, yet fascinating, interview, Carrie's job is on the line. Bennet's rules in his relationship with Walt force Walt to acknowledge his real feelings. Carrie and Dorrit are surprised to find a common enemy in Tom's girlfriend Deb's son Dylan. Meanwhile, Sebastian seeks comfort in the arms of someone new. Larissa returns from her summer in Kyoto and insists on taking Carrie and Walt to a fabulous Japanese festival in the city, where Larissa meets Samantha, with an explosive result. Samantha seduces an acrobatic Ninja. Back in Castlebury, Carrie's plans to remain Zen backfire when she finds herself locked in a classroom alone with Sebastian. Mouse helps Maggie with her college applications, but Maggie is distracted when somebody from her past reappears. Meanwhile, Walt worries that his classmates will sense he is gay, and Harlan makes an offer Tom can't refuse. Carrie and Walt have to kick out their new roommate when she refuses to take their hints. Meanwhile, Samantha provides Mouse with sex tips and in Castlebury, Tom spends the weekend with his girlfriend Deb. However, things don't work out for him as he planned. Carrie spends the summer in Manhattan with Walt after her boyfriend Sebastian betrays her. However, when Sebastian shows up with Donna, Carrie goes her own way and ends up meeting Samantha Jones. Meanwhile, in Castlebury Dorrit has to deal with Tom, and Mouse shuts out Maggie for what she did to Carrie.

Watch American Horror Story Season 3, Episode 12 Go to Hell Online

Cordelia's latest vision puts the Coven's future in question. With the end of Fiona's reign approaching, the girls manifest powerful new gifts. Queenie's search for Marie Laveau leads her to Hell and back. Fiona and Laveau have a deadly face off with The Corporation. Cordelia makes a desperate sacrifice to protect the Coven. Fiona attempts to out the new Supreme with a visit from Stevie Nicks. Cordelia discovers the truth about Hank and the Witch Hunters. Madison tries to eliminate her competition for the Supremacy. Cordelia's attacker is revealed. Fiona looks to form an alliance with Marie Laveau. Nan learns a disturbing truth about Luke's past. Fiona finds new purpose in a dangerous love affair. A night out with LaLaurie leads Queenie to question her place in the Coven. Cordelia makes a fateful decision about her mother. Zoe, Queenie, and Nan make contact with a dark spirit trapped in the Academy. Cordelia's new power brings on a heartbreaking revelation. Besieged by Marie Laveau's army, Zoe unleashes a new power. Fiona and Myrtle clash over control of the Coven. Madame LaLaurie is confronted by old ghosts. Fiona's choices rattle a decades-long truce between the Salem witches and Marie Laveau. The Council of Witchcraft pays a surprise visit to the Academy with disturbing allegations. Fiona takes on an unlikely protégé. A guilt-ridden Zoe tries to give Kyle his old life back. Madison has a fiery exchange with Joan Ramsey, a new neighbor.. Fiona helps Zoe and Madison deal with a horrible tragedy. Delphine LaLaurie struggles to adjust to modern life. Cordelia faces a dark decision about her family. A young girl, Zoe, is shattered to discover she possesses a strange genetic affliction tracing back to the dark days of Salem. Zoe is whisked away to Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, a mysterious school in New Orleans devoted to safeguarding the few remaining descendants who share this unique bloodline. Harboring a secret agenda, Fiona Goode, the most powerful witch of their generation, returns to town, reigniting old rivalries with the Coven's deadly enemies, the Voodoo.

Watch Arrow Season 2, Episode 11 Blind Spot Online

Oliver is conflicted after Laurel reaches out to the Arrow asking him to investigate Sebastian Blood. Oliver is unsure whether to believe her accusations against the man he has publically supported for mayor, but decides to trust Laurel. However, when the pair gets too close to the truth, Sebastian exposes Laurel’s drug addiction and has her arrested. Meanwhile, Roy reveals his new super-strength to Sin who wants to test out his abilities. Unfortunately, Roy isn’t able to contain his rage once unleashed and almost kills a man. Back on the island, Oliver is surprised when Sarah reveals a secret about Laurel. Oliver must tackle a new threat to the city when bombs start to go off in Starling City. Felicity discovers the person setting them off is Mark Sheffer, a man who goes by the nickname Shrapnel. Arrow discovers Shrapnel’s next target is Sebastian Blood’s “Unity Rally” and tries to talk the alderman out of hosting it, but he refuses. Arrow sets off to stop the bombing, but Shrapnel tricks him and traps him in a bomb-laced antique store where he is unable to move without setting off the device. While Felicity helps Oliver, Diggle races to the plaza to find the bomb before it goes off. Meanwhile, Roy continues to hide his new strength from Thea but, after she witnesses his super strength in action at the rally, she demands answers. Laurel’s suspicions about Sebastian grow stronger once she learns that he grew up with Cyrus Gold, the man who killed Lance’s partner. After Donner refuses to help her investigate, she turns to Arrow for help. After a fight with Cyrus Gold AKA the Acolyte, Oliver is drugged and left for dead. Determined to cure him, Felicity makes a risky decision. The cure causes Oliver to hallucinate, and what he sees forces him to confront his past. Meanwhile, Barry continues to help Felicity, and their connection grows stronger. The Arrow asks Lance to look into Gold, but when the stakeout on Gold goes bad, someone is killed. Roy is captured and tortured by Brother Blood. Oliver is concerned when a mysterious illness sweeps the city, infecting hundreds of people, including Diggle. Oliver discovers Vertigo in Diggle's blood and realizes The Count has broken out of prison and is once again distributing his drug. Meanwhile, Moira goes on trial for her participation in the Undertaking. ADA Adam Donner collapses in court with Vertigo symptoms so Laurel must step in and try the case against Moira. Oliver is torn between standing by his family during the trial and catching The Count. However, things change when Felicity follows a lead and walks straight into a trap set by The Count. Amanda Waller sends A.R.G.U.S. agents to kidnap Diggle. Waller informs Diggle that Lyla has gone missing after following a lead on Deadshot in Moscow. When Diggle tells the team he's headed to Russia to rescue Lyla, Oliver and Felicity decide to join, but things get messy when Isabel shows up on the tarmac and insists on joining Oliver's "work trip." Meanwhile, Moira's lawyer, Jean, tells Thea that dating Roy, a known criminal, is hurting her mother's case. While Oliver tends to the Canary's wounds, he tries to get her to talk about where she came from but she refuses. However, after Oliver and the Canary are attacked at the Queen mansion by a trained killer from the League of Assassins, she confesses to how she's connected with the nefarious group. Meanwhile with Moira facing multiple counts of murder and conspiracy for her part in the destruction of The Glades, the Assistant District Attorney offers her a choice - plead guilty now and avoid the death penalty or take your chances in court. Thea begs her mother to fight for her life but Moira seems resolute about taking the offer. Meanwhile, Oliver is furious with Laurel for joining the prosecution's team on his mother's case. Oliver discovers a man who goes by the name "The Mayor" is bringing illegal guns in to The Glades, so Oliver sponsors a "Cash for Guns" event to help clean up the city. Unfortunately, The Mayor crashes the event with his gang and seriously injures Sin. The Canary is furious when she learns her friend is in the hospital and sets out for revenge. Meanwhile, Felicity stuns Oliver with a bit of information about the Canary, Donner asks Laurel to dinner, and Diggle reconnects with an old friend. Lance learns a criminal named Barton Mathis, whom he put away years ago, broke out of prison during the quake and is back to torturing and murdering women. Felicity offers herself as bait so Arrow, Diggle, and Lance can catch this villain, but the plan goes awry. Furious, Mathis kidnaps Laurel in retaliation and plans to murder her while Lance watches. Meanwhile, Thea and Oliver are stunned when District Attorney Adam Donner seeks the death penalty for Moira. Oliver asks Roy to help him find the Canary. Oliver finds out the medicine that is being sent to Glades Memorial is being hijacked by thieves. Without an influx of supplies, the hospital will close. Roy attempts to stop the thieves, but he fails and is arrested by Officer Lance. Oliver gets into a heated battle with China White and her new partner, Ben Turner, AKA the Bronze Tiger, over the supplies. Meanwhile, Laurel makes plans to catch the Arrow, and Thea gives Roy an ultimatum. Diggle and Felicity travel to Lian Yu in search of Oliver who left Starling City after The Undertaking. Convinced to return home, Oliver finds that things are in worse shape than he thought - Isabel Rochev is preparing a hostile takeover of Queen Consolidated, Thea refuses to visit Moira (Susanna Thompson) in jail, Roy is trying to fill the void left by the Arrow's absence, and Laurel is working with the District Attorney's office to take down the vigilante. Meanwhile, flashbacks to the island show Slade, Shado, and Oliver in a desperate situation.

Watch American Idol Season 13 Episode 3 Auditions #3 - Detroit Online

The auditions continue on the new season of AMERICAN IDOL XIII as the judges search for the next singing superstar. Everyone's favorite singing competition returns for its highly anticipated 13th season with a new dream team judging panel, new contestants and the best and worst of auditions. Host Ryan Seacrest and judges Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban and Harry Connick, Jr., travel across the country to Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Detroit, Omaha, Salt Lake City and San Francisco where the good, the bad and the outrageous audition for their shot at stardom. This season promises to deliver th e most talented group of singers yet and as always, it's up to the viewers to root and vote for their favorite contestants, ultimately crowning the next AMERICAN IDOL. Don't miss the auditions from Boston and Austin.

Watch Duck Dynasty Season 5, Episode 3 Life of Si Online

Rebecca returns home from her internship in Los Angeles in the Season 5 premiere. Meanwhile, Si gets sick and asks Miss Kay to take care of him.